[Feb 16]Coronavirus local condition of Japan written by a japanese student

As japanese living in tokyo, I will write about the state of Japan beginning to be spreaded by  coronavirus.

I am not expert, just graduate student studing biology. Therefore, please think of this as ordinary person’s opinion.



People guess that coronavirus already have spread in Japan


In TV show, doctors of clinic criticize government. Because japanese government had not permitted them to test ordinary patient by PCR method.

They also say There are 1000 and more people who suffered from coronavirus.

Hearing it, japanese people gave up to prevent inflow coronavirus.



Citizen don’t overreact to the coronavirus


The news said that all people ware a surgical mask in Wuhan.

However, only half of japanese people wear a mask in Tokyo.

Some people seems to don’t have interest to the coronavirus.It may be reason epidemic are happened in japan.

Today, I wear a surgical mask. But I felt embarrassed to wear a mask.

In any case, I think that people will wear a musk due to hay fever.



The important thing is to defend an exponential increase of infected people


In my opinion, it is unavoidable that proliferation of coronavirus around a nation.

Therefore,increase should be slow so that japanese people should keep losses to a minimum.


The reality of japanese school club “Bukatsu” written by university student

Did you hear about “Bukatsu(部活、ぶかつ)“?

If you watch japanese animes or daramas, you may have know this word.

In these story, japanese students are always practice sports or instruments, paintings in “bukatsu”. And, There are no descriptions that they stydy hard.

Do you think it is true?

In fact, main tasks imposed on japanese students is “bukatsu”, although they need to study too.

In my case, I went to groung at early morning and practiced football untill class began.

In the daytime, I offen falled asleepe at class.

After class. I needed to practice futball for hours. Even if sun goes down, We kept playing.

Now I remember that we use fluorescent painted ball, becouse of this ball we could continue to play in the building lights.

We were allowed to take a rest once a month otherwise we did “bukatsu” everyday.

Now if I think about it, japanese teacher is a harsh job, They need to prepare classes and instruct students in “bukatsh” outside working hours.

This is my past story



Allmost all junior high school students and half of high school students belong to “bukatsu”

Maybe, you think that I always practiced football becoused I was a lazy student.

You might be right, but I continue to study in the master’s course of national university now and would rather like to learn.

What is reason I alweys did “bukatshu”?

It is that I was forsed join “bukatsh” as the japazese education custom.

In coutryside, there is the rule junior high school studentIn needs to belong any team of “bukatsu”.

Of course , I have wanted to play football. I did’t want to play football everyday.




Several reason to enter “bukatsu”

What about high school students?

They don’t hve to enter club team of “bukatsu”, however students have various reason to do “bukatsu”

People who have continued to belong to a sports club to do “bukatsu” are caled “taikukaikei(体育会系、たいいくかいけい)

They are thought to  have strength and patient for irrational situation and submissive to their senior

Especially, large corporation tend to prefer “taikukaikei”.

Therefore, Student who did “bukatsu” can entry the famous university and company. However they have needed to achieve good result so they parctice very hard.

In my case, I was not a good plyer enough to entry universuty.

I belonged to “bukatsu” because I have nothing I want to do but “bukatsu(football)”. I was forced believe that if I am better player, I can live fulfilling life.

That is not just my things, It applies to another students who entering “bukatsu”

These people have thought that own value was determined with skills in “bukatsu” and then, they will realise it is impossible to improve the level of happiness after quit “bukatsu” like me.



Special school for graduates who had been entered “bukatsu” in high school days

I only did “bukatsu” until third-year student therefore there were no school  I could pass the exams.

In japane, many student who did’t study well enter special school to prepare the entrance examinations. This school name is “yobikou(予備校、よびこう)”.

This school exist in a big city. Students who have not study and belong to “bukatsu” continue studying to prepare entrance examinations of university for 1 year or more in “yobikou”.

In japanese, to attend “yobikou” is called  “rounin(浪人)”. After I had studed in “yobikou”,  I entered university I have been now.



Is “Bukatsu” just outdate custom?

Recently, The number of people who belong to “bukatsu”is decreased because emphasis have been given in the individual independence of students.

However, It is also true that students can learn many thing from “bukatsu”. And I think enthusiasm for something not studying has worth for life. 

Spending there life to “bukatsu” is might valid for education, if they can face their days in “bukatsu” actively